
The Delicate Flower

Sobralia is a genus of the orchid family (Orchidaceae). It was proposed by Ruiz & Pavón Peruvianae in Flora, et chilensis Prodromus 120 in 1794. The type species is Sobralia dichotoma Ruiz & Pavon. The name of this genus is a Spanish botanist Francisco Martin Sobral.

Sobralia is a genre akin to Elleanthus Sertifera and composed of more than one hundred species Humicola terrestrial, lithophytic, or rarely epiphytic, caespitose growth, forming large clumps, distributed throughout much of tropical America, whose center is located in the dispersion Colombia, where half of the species can be found, among them some of the largest existing species of orchids, with more than three meters tall. About twenty species recorded for Brazil.

Plants are short rhizome and roots relatively thick, robust stems, usually simple, unbranched, erect, high or very high. Have leaves plicate, alternate, more or less bright or fibrous forms oblong or lanceolate, the terminal larger.

inflorescence lateral or apical hard near the end of the stem, springing from the upper leaf axils, multiflora, but with flowers opening in succession, in short racemes or panicles small, with very ephemeral and delicate flowers, lasting a few hours to three days, usually large and showy, very similar to Cattleya.

Its flowers have colors vary between forms whitish lilac or pink to intense red, yellow or orange and white or azure. sepals usually erect and the like, sometimes the sides something concrescive, petal-like sepals. lip, free or partially welded to the column, surrounding it, explained in the terminal portion, with calluses, or crenulações hairiness and variable margins entire, curly, wavy or fimbriate.

The elongated column usually has small curvature, sometimes with narrow wings on the side below the stigma, without extension podiforme, semi plump; anther with eight pollinia.

Source: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sobralia

See Also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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